Can you recall any embarrassing moment with a female fan?
Yes, some time ago I was in Washington DC when a lady saw me in a super market and there were a lot of people there.
It was unbelievable to her and she
said, “Oh my God! I just watched you this morning, oh my God” She
started shouting and called the attention of the entire supermarket,
“Come and see, he’s an actor from my country, Nigeria.Yes, some time ago I was in Washington DC when a lady saw me in a super market and there were a lot of people there.
I just watched him this morning!” I begged her to stop and she paid for everything I bought in the supermarket that day. I was also in Johannesburg sometime ago, when a lady walked up to me and just stretched out her hand. I was a bit embarrassed because she just came, looked me straight in the eyes and stretched out her hand for a handshake.
I looked back at her and said, “In my country, young women do not stretch out their hands to shake older men or to shake a man”. She said, “Oh I’m very sorry, it’s just that I’ve been watching you and I can’t believe that you are in my country”.
She then said “Ok, what am I supposed to do? I said “You will bend down and I will pat you on the back”. Immediately, she bent down and I patted her on the back and she just stayed like that, walking, shouting and saying, “He patted me on the back!” (Laughs)
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