the leading sub-regional business solutions development company,
Courteville Business Solutions Plc, is pleased to announce the
celebration of her 10 years of operations. Over the past decade,
Courteville has recorded consistent year on year growth in clientele
base and key financial indices.
Courteville business solutions plc, patent owner of the AutoReg TM, Motor Vehicle Administration Documentation (MVAD)platform through which she has created the largest data capture and process platform in sub-Sahara Africa............
Courteville business solutions plc, patent owner of the AutoReg TM, Motor Vehicle Administration Documentation (MVAD)platform through which she has created the largest data capture and process platform in sub-Sahara Africa............

Other services deployed by
Courteville includes the Webpeople service, NIID for the insurance industry,
NAPAMS for NAFDAC process administration; Egole - an online shopping platform;
P-SEAMS - a web-based school management application and RELAY- the first ever
e-learning education platform for certificate short courses in creative and
vocational disciplines in Africa, which incidentally is provided in conjunction
with Ravensbourne, UK.
5 years of its operations, Courteville
Business Solutions Plc became a publicly quoted company and in November 2008,
with its Operation and Management systems certified to be compliant with
International Standards under the ISO 9001:2008 approved standards, CBS became
the only company so certified from the business solutions development sector of
the Nigerian economy. E555]. The 10-year anniversary will be a
one week celebration starting from Saturday 10th January to Saturday
17th January, 2015.

Courteville business solutions
plc, patent owner of the AutoReg TM , AutoReg â„¢Motor Vehicle Administration Documentation (MVAD)franchise
known for process re-engineering
in both the private and public sector is known for creating business solutions
through the development and delivery of unique business solution models,
revenue stream improvement and cost management processes.

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