I like to think Life isn’t complicated; PEOPLE are. That’s why relationships can easily become strained when trivial
issues arise; take for instance, leaving the toilet seat up (Ladies, which would you prefer – He raises up the seat topee and
forgets to put it down afterwards OR he leaves the seat down and gives
it a yellow poker-dot makeover? I thought so). Don’t get me wrong – I
know women we men can be difficult too but there are 7 simple things we
expect from an ideal woman and could eventually even get us popping the
question (You know what i mean) icon smile 7 Simple Things Men Want In
And these 7 things are :
1. To Listen: Women love the sound of their voices so it’s quite easy to understand why men would rather let them
win an argument. But what some women don’t realize is that they just might be wrong sometimes. Perhaps if they
listened to a few facts from the man instead of jumping to conclusions, or in other situations, taking some advice
from him based on his personal experiences then he would appreciate you a whole lot more.
2. To be Considerate: This could be on so many levels. Women shouldn’t expect a man to still take her to fancy restaurant if he just lost his job, or expect him not to cancel a pre-planned engagement because he suddenly has to take his mum to the hospital. Life is not always about me, me, me; once he sees you understand that then
he wouldn’t just walk a mile for you – he’d swim the Seven Seas!
3. Be
‘Openly honest’: It’s one thing to be open (e.g. telling him stuff he
never asked you about) and another thing being honest (e.g. telling him
stuff only when he decides to ask you). Why not be a combination of both
and be openly honest? It’s a good way to be build trust, especially if
the man is the slightly jealous type in the first
4. Be
Hands-on : A woman who can do some things herself without the presence
of her man is a bit of a turn-on. This is borderline ‘Independent woman’
but not in the context of spending money on oneself. Little things like
mowing the lawn when he’s not home or arranging for a handyman to come
round to your place to fix an appliance. By the time you both have kids
you’d be a pro worthy of his admiration.
5. Be Submissive: Not like sheep and don’t jump to thinking I’m referring to indoor late-night activities. I’m
referring to
more of a combination of being dutiful, obedient and humble. Of course
in a loving relationship, it’s sort of two-way and not really the
Master-Slave relationship which I feel some of you readers may be
imagining. As you can see, men don’t like it either.
6. Be Affectionate (Holding Hands): Saying it with words is always good but I, like a lot of men, like when women
say it with their actions. It’s the subtle things like stroking the back of his head, holding his hand in public,
cuddling on the sofa or at the movies , feet to feet rubs, massages, pecks, kisses, etc. The only man-seeking
woman whom I feel is justified (in the early stages of being in a relationship) is one who is in a long-distance
relationship – not my cup of hot cocoa at all.
7. Be Respectful : By far the most important to me and that’s because we men have a big E inside of us that
demands that
we be shown some R-E-S-P-E-C-T be it from a man or woman. Lol !.. Show a
‘brutha’ a little respect and you’ll get his. Show him a lot and if
else falls into place I think he might just be introducing you to mama
and papa. Men don’t get off easy though. Everything I’ve mentioned goes
two-ways so no woman should expect to exhibit all
these qualities while the man puts his feet up watching the Premiership League. It takes two to tango, remember.
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